run with that light shinning brightly.

by - 8:25 AM

No matter where you are, be more.

I am often amused and perplexed at the strange man I am becoming.  Who is this man?  How has he come to be who he is?  Those of you who have known me for many years can testify that I do enjoy the occasional adventure.  We might even go so far as to say that I am a bit wild.  If you know my Grandfather, Arlie Miller, you know the apple did not fall far from the tree.  But like each of us, I cannot be defined by a single characteristic.  I certainly have a healthy sense of adventure but I also find in me a careful strategist (dare I hope the beginnings of wisdom?).  I have been working through the focus of my life, remembering James’ call that we not be “double minded” and I have come up with this goal for what remains of my life:

To give myself as fully as I am able to giving hope and life, and improving life for the least of these.

As I have sought to focus on J*sus’ summary of the purpose of our lives (to love G*d and to love our neighbors) this is my own conclusion.  But that was the easy part, a motto is easier to write than to live.  Now comes the unending process of taking all of life captive to obey Chr*st, and to benefit the desperate poor.  As I have been wrestling through my own inconsistencies and contradictions, I have come to a delicate tension that is very helpful.  Both the adventurer and the strategist can help me fulfill my goal, but both must be admonished.

To those of you who are Adventurers, who toss planning and caution to the wind, who dare to go and do what other shudder to think, who despise the boring and empty life:  Any life that does not put the good of others and a love of G*d above all other concerns will end up enslaving you in the end.  Do not reject discipline; it can lead to the most powerful and fantastic adventures of all!

To those of you who are strategists, carefully planning for the future, making wise and safe investments, protecting your family from life’s uncertainties, and being ever diligent in your labor: Do not wrap fear in a covering of wisdom, we are called to be faithful more than responsible.  If your careful planning and diligent work make it harder for you to drop all or give all at the Spirit’s call, you are working in vain.  But if you plan to do good, strategize for new ways to bless others, work diligently so you are able to give to those in need, now you have found the safest, surest, highest-returning investment of all.
Do we plan before we go to India?  Or do we just go in blind faith?  Do we go with an established organization or on our own?  Do we give all our money to the poor or do we invest it to provide ongoing monthly support for the work?  Here is the answer: whatever best serves the goal---to give hope and life and improve life for the least of these on earth.

Find your goal, find your motto---receive it from G*d and reorient your life around it.  Let the Spirit speak to your lack of discipline and let the Spirit speak to your fear.  My prayer is that as we all accept correction, we are more fully able to give ourselves to all that G*d has for us and for the world.  You are the light of the world, so throw off all that hinders you from running with that light shining brightly.

In love & hope & contradiction & fear & joy & failure & resurrection,

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