Tiida, an orphan from a Faithful Heart Dorm, now a college student near graduation to become a teacher; and one of the boys she has helped rescue last week. (right) |
"Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior:
Ask yourself what you want people to do for you;
then grab the initiative and do it for them!
If you only love the lovable, do you expect a pat on the back?
If you only help those who help you, do you expect a medal?
If you only give for what you hope to get out of it, do you think that’s charity?
Help and give without expecting a return.
You’ll never—I promise—regret it.
Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we’re at our worst.
Our Father is kind; you be kind."
(Luke 6 The Message)
This is one of the most powerful, encouraging blog posts I think I have ever been blessed to share. So get ready. P.S. It isn't even really about us :-)
Have you heard of the the concept of 'Pay-it-forward'? I love it.
It teaches us two important concepts:
1. We all have a tremendous amount to be grateful for
2. We all have tremendous potential to positively affect others
If you have been following our activities here at Faithful Heart then you know we are in the middle of opening a new home for orphaned and at risk little boys. It is one of those times where you see some of the best and the worst in people. It can destroy and restore your faith in humanity at the same time.
An Australian friend here asked me:
'What in the world is wrong with people Matt? Don't give me the Christian answer, I am not a Christian, but I would never do things like this."
(such as selling a human being)
As I thought about his question (a very good one, I might add), I thought its opposite is also valid:
'What in the world is right with people, that they would risk their lives, and give their lives to help others?'
Tiida taking the initiative and doing for others what was done for her. |
Meet Tiida.
Tiida is a beautiful, intelligent young woman finishing her bachelors degree to become a teacher. She is a follower of Jesus and she is an orphan. Her parents died tragically when she was very young. She only had temporary homes with several relatives before finding her way to our Faithful Heart dorm in a small town a few hours from Chiang Mai. There she found a family and an opportunity to go to school. She excelled through high school and came to live here at the Faithful Heart College Dorm. She has been one of Audrey and my best friends. She loves to play sports and she is a great language helper! One of the most moving experiences since coming to Thailand was the night Tiida sat in our room and shared her life story.
And that was before what Tiida did last month. She was already one of my heroes, but more than a hero, she is discovering the secret to a good life:
"Don't live just for yourself, invest your life for the good of others."
Tiida knew that a little boy from her village, needed a home and a permanent family. On her own, she called our social worker to see what needed to be done. She drove her scooter into town from the village to print the necessary documents, got them signed and made all the arrangements with his relatives to bring the little guy back with her. He is now the newest member of the Faithful Heart family and our new home for boys.
Joseph, the newest member of our family! |
Orphans rescuing orphans.
That delights our hearts! It energizes us in our own work. It it reminds us to stop and celebrate the redemption God is working in our lives and in the lives of others around us.
(though both of those things are great! hint, hint).
I hope it is inspiration for your life right now.
How much have you to be grateful for?
Where can you positively affect the lives of others?
You are uniquely placed, right now, right where you are, to love and serve.
Ask yourself what you wish others would do for you, then be like Tiida, and take the initiative and go do it for them.
You will never regret it.
Indeed, it is the path to life.
Ask yourself what you wish others would do for you, then be like Tiida, and take the initiative and go do it for them.
You will never regret it.
Indeed, it is the path to life.
Movie Day party! |
Movie Day for the Big Kids (including Matt and some House Fathers) Serious sweat! |
Another new family member-- David! |
On a personal note, please continue to pray for Audrey and I while our directors are in the US. So far so good, but there are so many things that come up throughout the week, we want to do our work well. Just imagine having kids in different colleges, schools, looking for jobs, finding new kids, etc. Its a lot of fun, just busy. Oh, how we need wisdom beyond what we possess!
Please continue to pray for our Thai language learning. We have good days then bad ones, then breakthroughs, then total confusion, then whole conversations.
Movie Day Lunch with Staff and Children---Mango Sticky Rice! |
One more, pray for my Dad and Mom while they are in the US for the next month.
Gawley and I cleanin' up! |
As always, much love from Thailand!
Matt & Audrey
Matt & Audrey