
Back to Day 1...

by - 5:48 AM

I wrote this like a week ago...better late than never!

Whew. Made it through day one. We got into the airport late last night & waited for Chris & McKenzie to arrive a few hours after us. I loved the airport...it felt so normal & tame I was kinda fantasizing it would feel that way all over India...then we stepped out of the doors into a rush of humid heat & people. Our first little ...adventure...shortly followed. We've already heard warnings & stories about the taxi drivers taking tourists who don't know what they're doing to these “tourist information centers.” We also read all this in the India Lonely Planet book, and it followed those warnings to a tee. Anyway, we told this guy our hotel name & area, but he totally took us to this crappy little side store with shady guys hovering about...at 2am nonetheless. We told him repeatedly “No, No, just to hotel!” Apparently, they “call” your hotel & then tell you that your room is not available anymore, so they then set you up at a different hotel at a way higher price, part of which is their commission for getting you there. Anyway, my heart way beating outside of my chest as we were all telling this guy to keep driving (& I had also been praying since the moment we set foot in the airport.) Thank God, seriously, at the moment things were going to turn, a police car pulled up next to us & we told him where we needed to go & he informed the driver to take us there. Man alive. That was a little much for our first hour on Delhi soil. We pulled down a tight street with concrete run down hotels on both sides, and pulled up to our place. We got out of that taxi ASAP and bolted inside. Thank the Lord, again, that this hotel is so good to us. Annnd, has AC. Yes.

Today we mostly stayed in the hotel room. I've been trying to muster up some bravery to go out into the streets. They're a lot less intimidating in the daytime. We ventured out a little tonight to find some dinner. Oh! And Andrew found us! We walked down stairs to get breakfast & there he was! I asked if he'd been waiting long..he said no...but later an Indian told me that he was waiting for us a very long time. It's good to all be together.

 ^^^A not too exciting shot of our hotel-room-hide-out in Delhi :)

 ^^^View of Delhi from our hotel balcony.

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