
London>>Onward to Thailand

by - 9:55 AM


Matt & I have been on the move! Earlier in the year, we were offered free lodging in France…who can pass that up? So we ended up tacking on a trip to London (also free lodging!) and France “on our way” to Thailand! We will still arrive in Thailand on February 7th.

We left Denver on January 21st & spent three days in England! We stayed with a sweet Christian couple in a small village on the outskirts of London. It’s always so amazing to see how complete strangers become brothers & sisters to us instantly through the body of Christ—all one family!

We’ve felt a bit detached from the scenes around us—our minds are transitioning from home-goodbyes to Thailand-hellos…but, England was gorgeous & definitely wooed us with its charm. 

We spent a quick day in Cambridge & the next in London central—the city has a fantastic metro system (the tube) & so many charming spots. Here are some highlights from our England travels…


^^^Big Ben by day & a visit to Cambridge


^^^Wandering through Cambridge—King’s College & Trinity Street


^^^Westminster Abbey


^^^The Kew Gardens & Big Ben by night



After this, we took our new found British accents & moved on to France—will be posting again soon!

Love to all,

Audrey & Matt

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