(real quick, did you know you can get these posts sent to your email address whenever there's a new one? Just below our picture in the right column, put your email in our "follow by email" field & it'll happen!)
We’ve had a great week! Matt & I have been thrown into the daily routine here at Faithful Heart—which includes running errands, computer work, tea making (!!), a few meetings, & hanging out with the college kids! Fun stuff :) We’ve been searching for a Thai language teacher & I think we found a great fit! The lady we found has been teaching Thai to foreigners for 17 years (lots of missionaries in there) and she’s a Christian! We start our tutoring lessons next week—meeting 3 times a week for 2 hours each session.

^^^Matt was craving his homemade Amish white bread, so he spent one morning whipping several loaves up. Our new friend, Gawley, asked if Matt would teach him along the way. :)

^^^Been making LOADS of tea!! There are several moringa trees around our property (& in the yards of our homes throughout the city!). With our staff & the house mothers, we go through the process of harvesting the leaves, washing them, drying them out, and grinding them before mixing them with other herbs & spices to make one delish bag of tea! This is one of our projects to help bring in some money to the foundation. If YOU want to try some, let us know!! (We drink it daily…multiple cups, in fact. mmm.) The photo on the right—we made a display & are trying to sell our tea at a Christian guest house in town, just got a call that ALL the bags already sold & they need more!

^^^Sending a box of tea (& coffee! That’s in the works, too!!) to Matt’s aunt Pam in Pennsylvania! …& that’s me at my pretty, new desk :) working hard, of course.

^^^an evening of badminton & volleyball in the yard!

^^^all the FHF homes came over on Sunday afternoon for worship & a message given by one of our house fathers.

^^^Matt’s driving Thai style! Steering wheel on the opposite side & drive on the left side of the road. We just keep repeating, “stay left, stay left, stay left….” :)

^^^our room! we went shopping for a few pieces of furniture & have been collecting random bits; it’s coming together!
That’s all for now! We’re going to keep you updated weekly, so check back next week!
Much love to all,
Audrey & Matt
-Thai language learning
-Finding our roles within FHF
-Friends! Specifically, english speaking peers for Matt & I to share life with!
-FHF rice, tea, & coffee projects
-Being "salt & light" in our new community!