
My Heart is Full

by - 9:55 PM

Sometimes our words truly are inadequate, but we have so much to thank so many of you for.  We made it!  We are in Chiang Mai, Thailand trying to get settled into our new home and finding our place within Faithful Heart Foundation.  It has been a memorable journey, at times humorous and stressful, but such is any adventure.  We have so much we want to share, and so little time to do it!  Here are so highlights so far:
Hard goodbyes to family we love!  Joe, Mandi, Ambrose, Rohan, and Emmett gave us a great bowling send off.  Thank you for letting us live with you and be part of your family this past year.  We love you!
Our new home!  We are the second door from the left side.

Some free "local" labor!  Thank you Dad and Mom Pound for coming to visit for a week and for all your help getting our new place ready!  We love you!
At Faithful Heart's new boy's dorm, rice fields and fish ponds.  It is a beautiful location.  Please pray for wisdom in helping with the current agricultural projects and helping start new ones.
Audrey jumping right in, learning how to process and prepare the delicious Moringa Tea Faithful Heart sells to help support their work.  We hope to be able to offer it in the US soon!  It is incredibly healthy and very tasty.

We hiked a waterfall with Dave and Sher; you will notice that both Matt and Dave climbed up the sticky falls (I am a good influence on the old guy :-)  And we had the House of Promise girls go for a special day of swimming (sorry for those of you trapped in snow). 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  We could not be here and serving with Faithful heart without you!  Please continue to pray for us that we would be good learners and servers.  We still go through a lot of shifting emotions, but we keep feeling overwhelmed by God's kindness to us (and yours). 

"A man who follows Jesus never leaves because he loves less, on the contrary he is agonized for the very reason that he is learning to love more, both what he leaves and what he pursues."

To you who we have left, we love you and are so grateful to have you as our friends and coworkers in the good news of God's hope for the world.  To our new friends in Thailand, we are excited to know you more! 

In hope,
Matt & Audrey Pound


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