Saturday Play
A week may pass, and we have no interesting pictures and it doesn’t feel like there’s much to share. We don’t have glamour moments every. single. week. But, Matt reminded me that every day won’t be glamorous or exciting (nobody’s life is!)—it’s just normal, everyday life…except we’re in Thailand (and working with some amazing people)!
We’ve been studying Thai language 3 days a week and trying to get our homework done on the days in between—it seems to take up a lot of our days. Progress is slow but, we are trying to be faithful learners and with hopes that the end results will be amazing—being able to speak Thai fluently! In the mean time, the moments between Thai lessons and homework, we love having the opportunity to spend time with Faithful Heart’s families and get those reminders of why we are here.
On Saturday afternoon, Matt and I went out spend some time with Faithful Heart’s Home of Promise family. We just sat and talked with the family and tried to work on a little English with the girls. While we were there, another one of our families (Home of Faith) showed up so all the girls could play together! We spent the whole afternoon snacking, talking (at least attempting to) and playing games in the street. Between the two homes, we had ten of our orphan girls together. That seems pretty special to me. :)