Exciting New Hope
We must do better at taking notes on our own lives. This blog is new for both of us and I do hope we can improve our current poor record of posts. I have promised myself I would be brief, because in all honestly, I rarely read long blog posts and I imagine many of you don’t either. These are meant to be brief updates and we will keep it such.
First, a lesson we are learning:
Our “what ifs” usually refer to negative things; G*d’s “what ifs” refer to positive things.
Example: We left good jobs (the known) to come to Colorado because we believed it was where G*d had us for the next season of our lives and within 2 weeks we both had new jobs. I was afraid of the “what ifs” but G*d smiled on us in them.
We both have jobs that we are finally adjusted to, we have a very simple but nice place to live, we are making friends in the new ch*rch we have started attending and we are meeting every Saturday morning in Castle Rock with Andrew Horne to study Hindi. Good “What Ifs.” But we never would have got to see them if we didn’t risk a little bit.
Here is the BIG THING. If you have been skimming up until this point, read this part. Andrew introduced us to a couple who are friends of his and are preparing to move to a city in northern India. They work with a network of Chr*st*ans. They will join a family that has been in the city for over 17 years. They were encouraged to hear our own dreams and they connected us with some of the leadership who then contacted us. We spent a week praying over what to do next and we have decided to begin the application process.
Please Pr*y:
1. For peace in the process (it makes me nervous and excited, and brings up some old hurts)
2. Wisdom (being connected with wiser, more experienced people who share our vision appeals to me tremendously)
3. Courage to follow J*sus (because the sensible thing isn’t always the right thing, but neither is the crazy thing)
“I know O L*rd, that the way of a man is not in himself. It is not in man who walks to direct his steps. Correct me O L*rd, but in gentleness (justice) not in your anger lest you bring me to nothing.”
Jeremiah 10:23
Missing and Loving all of you,
Matt & Audrey