
A Hope

by - 2:49 AM

                                                        One of my new favorite places...

I (Matt) had the opportunity to preach this last Sunday at our English speaking church here in Thailand.  What do you say to a room full of people living abroad, doing everything from rescuing young women from the sex trade to teaching physical education at a German school?  

What do I share with them about God and life?

I suppose it depends on where I am and what has been filling my heart lately, and on what I would say to anyone who asked me what I believe and why. 

It is always a little hard on my heart that the things which so inspire and transform my life seem so bland and even offensive to my friends who don't share my faith. (All the deepest joys are best shared with the ones we love).

Words are a poor medium for communicating some things.  

In my home country it seems that people from my faith (Christians) are better known for what they oppose, than what they are for.

Perhaps we should try more often to say what we are for, what we love, what we hope for.  This is my humble attempt to express what is inexpressible in my own heart and life.  This is what I am for, what drives and inspires me, and the hope I have.  

Matt's Unusual Hope #1

I believe that God is passionate about setting everything in the world right.  

So slavery, abuse, addiction, violence, oppression, disease, hunger, poverty, selfishness, cancer, even death have an end.  (I really believe that)  I know about ISIS, I have seen grinding poverty, but I still hold on to hope that there is a God who is strong and will make everything right.

I believe we should all work towards that goal.  

No, we won't and can't achieve it on our own, but that's where faith comes in: we aren't on our own. 

Matt's Unusual Hope #2  

There is no easy way to say this, but you and I are part of the problem.  We need to be set right before we try to set anything else right.  

I would be content if things were good for me, my family, and the people I care about.  That may not be evil, but it isn't quite good either.  The world will never be right as long as that is what the majority of us are content with.  

Its easy to think that the truly great evils in our world are because a few people are really screwed up. But that isn't really true, the evil in our world is there because all the people are a little screwed up.  

You don't have to understand all this to sense in yourself a need for forgiveness and a need for something more than your own determination, to be made the way you should be.  

We are part of the problem, how do we become part of the solution?  

Matt's Unusual Hope #3

The people who formerly contributed to the brokenness and destruction of our world (you and I) can become the people who heal it.  

You're wrong.  I'm wrong.  

If you can honestly say that, you aren't far from my God.  

God loves to take broken people and not only heal them, but make them healers.  

You need not look far to see the need for loving healers in our world.    

Matt's Unusual Hope #4

I think God wants to save people for the world, not from it.

Last Sunday, I preached on a verse from the Bible that says God is reconciling everything in heaven and on earth to Himself through Jesus. (Colossians 1: 19-20)

Remember when I said God was passionate about setting everything in the world right?  

I think of Jesus as God breaking into the world to turn the tide, to start making things new, making things right. He would provide the forgiveness we all need (and the assurance of love, even if no one else in the world seems to loves us) and transform people who would then join Him in transforming the world.  

We need more of those kind of people.

Matt's Unusual Hope #5

Until All Things Are New

Easter is important because it is announcing that new life has come. 

God isn't just propping up things as they are,  He isn't just making us slightly better people or putting band aids on the worlds problems.  

He is making all things new; starting with us now, and reaching to the earth itself.       

This has hit me hard living in Thailand: My life is a tool for God to use to heal the world (I cannot do everything, but I can do some things; I am part of the story, not the story).  

I am not going around yelling at everyone: "the things you believe are wrong!"

I am saying join God (and us) in bringing reconciliation and peace and justice and love to our world.  

God starts with you, but He doesn't end there,  Being a Christian isn't only about future hope.  It is about hope right now inspiring life; the kind of life that brings healing to a broken world.  And I believe one day even death will die.  

I love you guys! This was an uncomfortable post for me to write.  I am a private person by nature and this is a glimpse into my heart.  My religion may be private, but my hope cannot be. All my greatest joys are better shared, and so many of you are friends and family I love deeply.  

Thank you for your love and support!

Love from Thailand,

Sorry, I can't resist throwing these in (our new local swim hole):

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  1. Love this. (and totally jealous of the swim hole)

  2. Great post Matt! I've often thought of the verse "now these 3 remain: faith, hope, and love" and thought faith is obviously important and so is love, since it is the greatest, but hope? I hope my faith is right? I hope God comes back soon? This post was great because it is hard to have hope in such "scary" times. I want to put my kids in a bubble and not let them out of the house because I am in constant fear of the evil of the world. This attitude seems to be the opposite of hope. By focusing on how good God is, as opposed to how bad the world is, I can see that my attitude could change to "the God of hope filling you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that YOU may overflow with hope." Great reminder that hope is important. Glad you and Audrey are doing well in Thailand- thanks for the post!
