
Thai Summer Days

by - 3:26 AM

Hello Thai summer! These days we’ve been hitting the 100’s every afternoon…just trying to hold on a little longer until we push through to the rainy season! (Supposedly coming mid-May!)


^^^We have like 10 HUGE mango trees in the yard, and several of them are packed with fruit! Once everything gets ripened up, we’re going to have mangos galore.


^^^Last week we took a little joy-ride up the mountain, Doi Suthep. Found a beautiful view of fair Chiang Mai. :)


^^^and the fish project continues! Matt now has the pools and water systems in place—several test runs have been cycled through! Still working out the bugs, but hopefully adding fish in the next month or two.


^^^New roof up to protect from rain and the HOT sun. The fish will be in the pools, the plants will be growing in the black troughs on the left. Matt’s using a bell-siphon system to release the water from the troughs into the pools. He says he’ll write a detailed post about this whole process soon!

OS 4x4 with color back OS pic

^^^I’ve been working on the graphic design for our Orphan Support products! I’m new to Adobe Illustrator, but working my way through online training…it’s been so much fun to get my creativity outlet through this logo design! We’re labeling our products and I also put together a little ordering brochure.

The last few weeks we’ve been trying to finalize our visas. We have our work permits, yay! Just waiting for the approval of our 1 year volunteer visa to come through.

Here are a few prayer requests:

-Fruitful work with FHF

-Finalize visas

-Energy and joy for each day

-Develop new friendships

Thanks for keeping up with us! We’d love to hear from you guys, send a quick note!

Love to all,

Audrey & Matt

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