
Raising Up the Foundations of Many Generations

by - 6:30 AM

Do you ever wonder if what you are doing will outlast you?  I was jogging last night in our muu-baan (neighborhood) and it was one of those surreal moments that make you laugh out loud, then look around to see if anyone else heard you.  I had spent the day before helping my German friend build a bamboo tree house for his 3 children (whom I can’t talk to except a little in Thai---we are about at the same level---because they speak German). 


As I reflected on how much I enjoy the diverse friends we have I realized the sun was setting behind the mountains in a stunning display.  That’s when I laughed.  I was listening to a German rock band while I jogged in a Thai neighborhood, thinking about tree houses, and all the while the heavens were proclaiming glory.  I am so small.  How can my life possibly matter in such a large world? 

But it does.  And so does yours. 

We need to take things in small doses.  It does you no good to know how many children die of hunger every day.  I would rather you know one or two children who may die of hunger. Because those one or two are the ones you can help.  Imagine if you were responsible for everything or everyone! Embrace your smallness with gratitude.  As it is, you are responsible for your neighbor (who may be next door or across the world).  When Jesus said to love God and love your neighbor, He meant those people who you can reach.  Isn’t that the point of the story of the good Samaritan?  It didn’t matter where the man was from or the people walking by, only that they were within reach---one had need, the others had means to meet his need.  

So who is within my reach, and what can I do?

Who is within your reach, and what can you do?


I had the honor and privilege this last week to offer a blessing on Faithful Heart’s new boys dorm, Home of Comfort Dorm.  It is now home to 10 young men from the various hill tribes in need of a place to stay while they pursue an education.  I read from Isaiah 58:10-12:

“…if you pour yourself out for the hungry
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness
and your gloom be as the noonday.
And the Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy your desire in scorched places
and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water,
whose waters do not fail.
And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;
you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
you shall be called the repairer of the breach,
the restorer of streets to dwell in.”


(^^^The new students at Home of Comfort Dorm with their house parent’s, Yea & Moey)

When we accept God’s invitation to invest in the lives of others, we are entering into work which outlast us.  I love that we get to share in this work.  We have young children, teens, and college students; all growing and learning.  Each life with untold potential.  We are laying foundations for many generations of Thai families.  Thank you to all of you who support us and Faithful Heart Foundation.  Your work and generosity will outlast you! 

So enjoy the sunsets.  Laugh at life’s odd moments.  Embrace your smallness and invest in the lives of others.  You may just find that your small self, given to a great God, in love for your neighbors, may bear a harvest far surpassing what you can imagine in future generations. 


With a lot of love---Matt (& Audrey)

Aquaponics Update coming soon!

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